Episode 5: "Jerry Sends Taylor Swift a Cat"
Jerry arrives to meet his porn agent Marty only to be met by Marsha, a publicist who fixes problems for elites. She comes up with a plan to shape Jerry's precarious image. First she sends Taylor Swift a kitten to thank her for the attention she brought Jerry. Then Jerry goes on CNN to talk to Anderson Cooper while pretending to be something he isn't. --- Jerry's penis felt like it was cut off and sewn back on so he took one of his last prescription pain killers. He was in the back seat of a cab driving across town as the sun set over L.A. The internet had blown up over a photo of his post-op penis and Jerry's manager Marty had summoned him to his office to strategize. The leaked photo was so frightening it was reported that men the world over were hesitant to have sex. They reasoned that if a porn star, a professional user of a penis, could break his penis, so could they. The doctors told Jerry his penis might not work properly ever again. Even though he was hired to ac...